Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. – one of my favorite holidays! And I’m doubly-excited because it falls on my birthday this year…yippee!!

As I think of Thanksgiving and my birthday, I am reminded to pause, reflect and really acknowledge all that I am grateful for.

I am also reminded of the equation that matters most, in my opinion:

R > E where “R” stands for “relationships” and “E” stands for “everything else” – literally!

Without relationships, it all falls apart because relationships are where it all begins – personally, professionally and, yes, even financially. As we slow down (even if just slightly) to unplug and spend time with family and friends, I want you to know how important our relationship is to me.

Whether you read every post or do so occasionally, you’re here and that means the world to me! Each time you make the choice to “hear” me, you are giving me a chance to give (did you catch that?!) — it’s like the gift that keeps on giving 🙂

So, thank you very, very much – for being a part of my world and for letting me a part of yours!

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! May your holiday be one filled with yummy food and spirits, fun, forgiveness, compassion, meaning, and so much laughter that your sides ache!

With gratitude,


p.s. if you’re one of the brave souls participating in Black Friday, you might wish to check out my segment on Arise.TV about “Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.” You may learn a trick or two…

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