If you’re a gardener, you wouldn’t dare pull your fruit, vegetables, or flowers before they were ripe or ready to bloom, right?

In a similar way, if you want to get pregnant, you’d want to do everything possible to ensure you’re healthy and able to carry the baby full term, right?

Good and necessary things happen in the “dark and quiet” time of incubation – whether you’re talking about growing food, flowers, or babies. Or, ideas. Or, money.

The Power of Analogy

It’s Springtime, and you’re likely to start seeing a plethora of garden-and-money analogies…it’s the perfect season for said! And I’m hopping on the bandwagon, too.

Last month, I was a featured speaker in a virtual summit hosted by Robin LaCross. It was called “Raising Empowered Daughters – Sowing the Seeds for Healthy Body Image, Sexuality, and Relationships.” Next week, I will be a featured guest in Xandra O’Neill’s summit – “Creating Fertile Ground – How to Boost Fertility, Overcome Fear, and Trust the Journey to Motherhood.”

As far as I know, Robin and Xandra do not know each other (although they probably should!). But I found two things interesting about their events. First, the intentional use of “gardening” language as a metaphor for the goal of their events. Second, the foresight to include a conversation about money in the overall dialogue.

Pause for a moment. Think about your money decisions AND your actions.

Now think about what happens in a garden.

Does Your Financial Garden Need Some TLC?

In no particular order, here are eleven (11) words/phrases that come to mind when I think about gardening literally (and metaphorically) along with suggestions for how to use these words to give your financial garden some tender loving care:

Seeds – All growth begins with a seed.

What financial seeds are you planting? How are you defining “seeds”?

Soil – Seeds need fertile soil in order to thrive.

Is your financial soil fertile or barren; how do you assess your soil’s abundance or lack thereof?

Nurturing – All soil requires attention. It comes in the form of proper light, watering, and turning the soil, to name a few.

Very broadly, there are only four things you can do with your money: earn it, save it, invest it, and spend it. Of course, if you dig deeper there are nuances within these categories – what nuances are saying, “Knock, knock”?

Trust – While all soil requires attention, sometimes that attention takes the form of purposeful non-action – aka leaving it alone and letting whatever you’ve planted do its thing.

How purposeful are you with both what you do, as well as what you don’t do, when it comes to your money? Are your actions systematized or haphazard and reactionary? How well do you trust in yourself (for making the decision) and in the process (for the results)?

Get your hands dirty – Granted, you probably wear protective gloves whilst gardening, but you still have to get your hands in there – to dig, turn, pat.

In similar fashion, you have to “get in it” when it comes to your money. I say it often and I won’t stop: abdicating is not a viable option.

Surrender + Patience – Control what you can as best you can, then you must surrender to nature and have patience and let Her do her thang.

Same applies to money. Do your job and let money do it’s job, but be clear about the job you want it to do for you.

Vision – Usually when you plant a garden, you have in your mind’s eye what the garden will look like in full bloom. This vision influences where/how you plant your seeds.

Far too often people are haphazard with how and where they plant their financial seeds – don’t be one of those people.

Time – It takes time for the invisible to transform into the visible.

In similar fashion, it takes time for a financial mustard seed to morph into a financial oak tree.

Pruning – Cutting away the weeds and removing what is dead is necessary for the overall health of your garden.

When it comes to your money, do you know what’s preventing your money from working as hard for you as it possibly can? Do you know what your financial weeds and leaks look like? Do you have the strength and patience to prune them away?

Acceptance – All that you plant won’t make it. And that’s okay. It’s what you prepare for.

Make your financial decisions knowing that not every one you make will be “right.” The goal is to be right more often than not!

In case you’re wondering, no I didn’t forget my math skills. The eleventh slot is an invitation: What comes to mind for you when you think about gardening and connect it to money?

Thinking of the myriad choices you make regarding your money in the context of a financial garden is a perfect metaphor!

In fact, it’s a wonderful way to manage your expectations about what happens and when – because you can’t rush healthy growth. Likewise, the garden framework provides your money with some structure + direction (because like a child) it needs discipline to grow properly.

One of the many conclusions I’ve come to about managing money is that it is a lot less about moving the dollars & cents.

It’s a lot more about managing who you are becoming as you move those dollars & cents.


Coming Full Circle

To bring this back to the beginning…

I think it was absolutely brilliant of Robin and Xandra to use gardening terminology as a way for talking about matters important to parents and parents-to-be. It’s a great technique that creates just enough distance between the subject and the subject matter for maximum learning and enhanced ahas!

Plus, how freaking awesome to acknowledge the key and critical role of money in almost every goal and aspect of life – including raising healthy daughters and creating a fertile ground for pregnancy.

To grab a copy of the summit, which includes the replay recording of my conversation with Robin LaCross, click here. To join my “Couples, baby…oh yeah, money!” conversation with Xandra O’Neill on April 9th, click here.


p.s. in case you missed my earlier invitation, it’s time for the quarterly Financial Open House. Later tonight – 8pm EDT – is when you get to ask questions and I get to provide answers! Register here.

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