When Unexpected Silence Speaks Volumes & Gives You Perspective
The test results were in, and the news was good. I was NEGATIVE for pneumonia, flu (both types – btw: who knew?), and COVID. What I had was a good old-fashioned cold, and it was kicking my butt—taking my voice in the process. When someone asked how I...
Can You Imagine Money and Pricing Feeling Good?
Did you spend money or make a financial decision today? If so, think back to the moment you swiped your card, tapped your phone, entered your 16-digit card number, or made that choice. What did you feel? Were you excited, happy, confident, anxious,...
Money And Politics Are Inseparable In Business And Life
A reader’s response was, “stick to finances please.” According to them, I shouldn’t “mix business with [my] personal political views.” I received this in July when I wrote a piece sharing how I went from being sad about President Biden’s decision to drop out of...
There’s Value in Knowing the Hidden Hourly Rate
You know how I’m always saying money is never just about the numbers? One reason is that how you think and feel about money is often shaped by conditioning. And if, like me, you started working as a teenager—first as a babysitter and then at the mall—you likely...
How Money And Entrepreneurship Drive Personal Growth
During a recent conversation, someone told me they were surprised by how much entrepreneurship had, “…caused them to face themselves.” I wasn’t surprised at all. In fact, I was delighted to hear their insight. I’ve been saying for a long time that money and...
Are You Getting In The Way Of Your Big Goals?
I bet if you asked people about their vision, dreams, and goals, you’d often hear the word ‘big’ in front of each one. I know this is true for me. While I don’t consider myself as someone whose vision and dreams are “small” or who tends to set...
Do You Know a Smooth Talker When You Hear One?
Have you ever found yourself completely captivated by someone you’ve just met? Maybe at a party, a dinner, or a casual or work-related gathering? Perhaps what first captures your attention is their appearance. Even if they are not attractive in a classical...
What Damaging Money Myths Do You Need to Release?
In a couple of weeks, I am speaking at a conference for those who work in a healing and helping profession. Think: holistic doctors, nurses, therapists, wellness coaches and experts, spiritual teachers, etc. This is an audience of people who are frequently the...