Is The Way You Think Costing You Joy?
Delight. Gaiety. Bliss. Rejoice. These are all words Merriam Webster uses to define joy. And, I can honestly say I felt all these at some point during my trip of a lifetime. But guess what? It’s a trip that might not have happened. 2023 was a weird year...
Here’s to a Trip of a Lifetime; One That Made History Real for Me
I’ve been back in the United States a full week, and I’m still processing my sojourn to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. When people ask me about what I’ve dubbed as my “heritage trip,” I’ve said: amazing, awe, overwhelming, and grateful. It was truly...
People Don’t Want Their Achievements to Be Idolized
I have raved about my speaking coach, Mike Ganino, before. But, last week I attended a 2-day retreat that he hosted here in NYC and… 🤯! It was epic on so many levels. Of course, I think he is brilliant. But what was also special were the other attendees and the guest...
The Fearless Fund Ruling Actually Affects All Of Us
In November 2023, I had the awesome opportunity and privilege to speak at the Black Women in Asset Management (BWAM) Conference. As I said in a reflection piece I wrote soon after, it was a meaningful experience for many reasons. One of which was simply bearing...