How to Financially Protect the Seniors in Your Life
I usually use the Winter holiday season to encourage folks to talk about money with their family. But, the ongoing coverage about inflation and a possible recession, plus a recent conversation with a friend, makes this as good a time as any to switch things up. ...
It’s Juneteenth; Time to Celebrate & Focus on Narrowing These Three Gaps
Perhaps if President Abraham Lincoln hadn’t been assasinated and President Andrew Johnson hadn’t reversed the “Special Field Order No. 15,” which redistributed about 400,000 acres of confiscated land from Confederate landowners to newly freed slaves, the wealth gap...
Sometimes, It’s Hard to Focus on the Big Picture
These days, you cannot turn on the news or scroll social media without hearing or reading the word “recession.” And when you hear it, your immediate response might be one of fear. Or, you might begin to wonder if you should start feeling fearful about the...
These Three Biases Cost Her More Than Money
Last week, a dear friend shared an experience that made her sad. It made me sad, too – for my friend and the financial well-being of her now former client. Here’s the backstory: My friend’s client had a revenue goal. But all of the suggestions offered by...