The Cultural Tendency to Want Money to Be Easy
After writing last week’s post, I recorded a video talking about our cultural tendency to view money in a monolithic manner. When it is anything but. For example, in business money represents revenue, profit, and cashflow. Personally, it represents what you pay...
What Does Money Need From You, Today?
Last week, I was interviewed for an upcoming event and was asked about my entrepreneurial journey – the good; the mistakes; and the lessons learned. It was a great conversation, and I appreciated the reflection it prompted. Perhaps it was because of the...
Do You See How Today’s Traditions Build Tomorrow’s Legacy?
Something happened this weekend that occurs about every 33 years. Ramadan, Easter, and Passover coincided. And for those of us who celebrate these holidays, that means this has been a weekend filled with traditions. Traditions of beliefs, storytelling, and...
The Best Time to Be Strategic Is…
The signs of Spring are in full effect! The air is chilly, but not cold. The dreary color of winter is being replaced by the vibrancy of cherry blossoms (at least here on the East Coast, anyway). You need to carry an umbrella and galoshes just in case, because...