If a Relationship is Important to You, It’s Probably Complex
Am I right? I mean, really…think about the relationships that are of most significance to you. Maybe it’s your top 5 from last week (catch up here, if you don’t know the reference). I bet you’d say these relationships are multi-layered, nuanced, emotional…and...
When You Think About Money, What Other Relationships Come to Mind?
Something I know first-hand is that financial well-being wasn’t as pervasive and integral to the wellness initiatives of corporations and AM Law 200 firms as they are today. I delivered my first workshop for a national non-profit organization in 1996. Unbeknownst to...
When it Comes to Goals, Small is the New Significant
Back in the late 90’s early 2000’s, I delivered financial workshops for two non-profit organizations that provided life-skills training to people in transition. Their clients were people participating in welfare-to-work or incarceration-to-work programs. It was...
It’s Not Just Financial Goals That Cost You Money
Perhaps this occurs because of my industry and my role in it. But, whenever I ask someone about their goals – be it a client, workshop participant, or even a colleague or friend – they often immediately respond with their financial goals. And I...