Pricing is a Persistent Challenge; Wanna Know Why?
Pricing is the backbone of every business. It’s that lever that can make a tremendous difference between having a thriving business and a thriving life…or not. Yet, pricing is far from easy. For starters, it’s not easy because it involves setting a price...
This is Something We Don’t Often Talk About: Seller’s Remorse
I bet you are familiar with buyer’s remorse. Heck, I actually can’t imagine you’ve never experienced it. Especially since it is a common psychological phenomenon characterized by feelings of regret or unease following a purchase. It typically occurs when a buyer...
When Impatience Becomes One of Your Greatest Assets
Most of us have been told that having patience is a virtue. According to Merriam Webster, the word patient is defined as: “bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint; not hasty or impetuous; steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity.” So,...
What Factors Make Someone Good With Money?
Over the weekend, I posted a video on my social media channels asking the question, “What makes someone good with money?” It’s a question I’ve been noodling on as I navigate a tricky financial period in my business. Or, as a dear friend describes it – “when...