Do This To Unlock The Hidden Potential Of Your Business
When you look at your monthly, quarterly, and year-to-date earnings, what do you see? What do you notice beyond the numbers and whether they are going up or down? You may have heard me say, “there’s a difference between seeing and noticing.” This stems from...
What Makes You Say, “Damn, That’s the Best Money I’ve Spent!”
“Fluff the pillows.” During my last two years of college, I worked for Estee Lauder Companies. In the afternoons, I worked “in-house” in the showroom as a roving admin for all of the properties. (At the time Clinique, Prescriptives, and Aramis were part of Estee...
In times of challenges and growth, this is invaluable
On Wednesday night, I was up way past my bedtime scrolling Twitter, completely absorbed in someone else’s drama. Even if you aren’t on Twitter, you might have heard about it by now. Because, by Thursday, the situation became a headline on CNN, Yahoo, MSNBC,...
This is One of the Costs of Unhealthy Financial Stress
Before most speaking engagements, the participants complete a pre-event questionnaire. One of the questions I ask is, “What area(s) of money causes you the most stress?” The options are: earning, saving, spending, managing debt, investing, love + money. The...