I bet if you asked people about their vision, dreams, and goals, you’d often hear the word ‘big’ in front of each one.

I know this is true for me. 

While I don’t consider myself as someone whose vision and dreams are “small” or who tends to set “safe” goals, I recently had one of those moments where I thought, “Ooooh, I’m not dreaming big enough!”

And it came from an unexpected source – a conversation with someone I was meeting for the very first time! 

I am curious: When was the last time someone asked you, “What’s your goal and where are you now”? 

Followed by, “what would it look like to…?” And what followed the “to” was related to your goal, but on a much bigger scale.

And as you heard their words, your heart skipped a beat. They made you wonder, “ Could I do that?!” 

Such that by the time the conversation ended you had a new stretch goal you previously had never envisioned. 

Can you relate to this scenario?

I ask because we have reached that time of the year when there are more days behind us than ahead. And perhaps, like me, you’re now reflecting on the gap between where you thought you’d be by now and where you actually are.

And while the gap may be obvious…

…what’s less noticeable is how you might have shrunk your vision, dreams, and goals to fit within the limits of your comfort zone. 

Because reality has pushed the idea of what’s possible aside.

It Starts Subtly

As you work toward your vision, dreams, and goals, it’s inevitable that challenges will arise. 

Whether it’s a major setback, an unexpected roadblock, or simply the everyday grind of managing your responsibilities, these obstacles can start to wear you down emotionally, mentally, physically, or a little bit of each. 

Initially, though, you push through, determined to stay on course. But over time, the weight of these challenges begin to lead to doubt, frustration, or even burnout. 

So slowly, you find yourself beginning to adjust your goals—not because your vision has changed, but because the path has become too difficult, too draining. 

And now you’re starting to make decisions and choices from a place of fatigue rather than ambition.

What’s tricky is that this shift is often subtle. 

You might tell yourself you’re being realistic, pragmatic even. But what’s actually happening is that you’re shrinking your goals to fit your current circumstances, rather than rising above them

This is when you begin to get in your own way—by playing it safe, procrastinating, or even convincing yourself that a smaller goal is more achievable. 

The dreams you once thought were big and bold now suddenly seem too distant, and instead of adjusting your strategies to overcome your obstacles, you adjust your vision to fit within your comfort zone.

Borrow From Someone Else

We like to think that our vision, dreams, and goals are solely our own, shaped by our desires, passions, and ambitions. While that’s true to a point, the reality is that our dreams are also heavily influenced by others – those we know well, as well as those “strangers” we’ve just met. 

And sometimes, those “others” are messengers who inspire you to think big, expand the scope of your dreams, and set even bigger goals. Not just for the end result that you will achieve or experience, but for the reserve you’ll need to tap into to become the person who achieves those things. 

Because of the conversation I had, I am inspired to plant the seeds to make some bold moves in 2025. I’m excited and am also filled with a combination of joy and fear. 🙂  

What I appreciate about the conversation I had is that, sometimes, what you need is to borrow the energy and ambition of other people. People with bold visions of their own; people who have a smaller gap than you do right now; people who can help to expand your sense of what’s possible. 

People who remind you that it is worth it to have that big vision, dream, and goal! 

What this also means, though, is you have to protect yourself from the influence of people who will let you play it safe and settle for “just enough.” 

So, make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people who help you: 

  • envision expansive goals; 
  • shift your mindset to match your dreams; 
  • take bold, deliberate actions toward your goals;
  • stay the course despite challenges; and 
  • celebrate your progress.

Environment Matters, Too

And just as “your” people matter, your environment* plays a role too. 

Some environments foster complacency that can keep you stuck. While others foster your creativity, ambition, and growth.

Yet, both influence:

  • how you think and act;
  • how well you stay focused on the process; and
  • the degree to which you can tap into new ideas. 

In other words, the environment in which you find yourself is a big deal!  

So, how intentional are you in making sure you are in positive spaces that help you to thrive and align with what you’re striving to achieve

And if it isn’t as dynamic and growth-oriented as you need it to be, what’s one small thing you can do to make it so?

(*Environment includes home, work spaces, as well as social settings.)

And So Does Structure

Structure creates the environment for consistent progress and helps to counteract common tendencies like procrastination, distraction, or perfectionism. 

Truth is: No vision is realized, and no dream or goal is achieved without structure. 

Otherwise known as a concatenation of habits, routines, and systems. Individually and collectively, your structure acts as the scaffolding that holds you accountable, keeps you focused, and prevents you from getting in your own way by providing clarity, consistency, and direction. 

Plus, structure is what gives you the ability to step back and break down your big vision, dreams, and goals into manageable milestones. 

And when you lack structure (or the discipline to honor it), you are apt to get in your own way.

Bet on Yourself!

The uncomfortable truth may be that the biggest barrier between your big vision, dreams, and goals is…YOU! 

But here’s the good news: 

Just as you can get in your own way, you have the agency to also be the driving force to get out of your own way. 

You can do this by recognizing when you’ve shrunk your vision, dreams, and goals to fit within the limits of your comfort zone. 

You can do this by realizing when you’ve lost sight of what’s possible. 

And, you can do this by surrounding yourself with visionaries, believers, and those who see your potential where you see your limits. Their influence will help you break through barriers and reach heights you never thought possible.

I know some people wait until the literal end of the year to reflect on the year and plan for the year-ahead. However, I’m going to suggest you get a head start on that project. 

Who knows, like me, you may discover, “Ooooh, I’m not dreaming big enough!”

If that’s the case, why wait to course correct when you can start now?! This is one way to bet on yourself. And you know you never lose when you do that.

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