Does being strategic with your money take a back-seat to almost everything else going on in your life?

Financial success doesn’t happen without your active engagement. And it doesn’t happen by doing just. one. thing.
It takes work. Focused work, actually.
I want to live in a world where you aren’t intimidated by this work.
So you can be strategic and proactive in how you manage your money, rather than reactive and unsystematic.
I want to live in a world where you embrace this on-going task. Instead of waiting for an ideal time or set of circumstances or when you feel like it.
So you can take advantage of opportunities that are right in front of you, but that you might otherwise overlook.
I want to live in a world where you see doing this work in the same light as you would maintaining the relationship you have with your best friend!
Yes, I just asked you to view money as your friend 🙂
With your friend you text; you call; you email; and you spend face-to-face time together. That’s what active engagement looks like – those are the things you do to sustain your relationship to ensure it evolves and grows.
You invest the time; you make the effort; you work through the occasional bumps in the road. Sometimes it’s hard; most times it’s fun. You are deliberate. You are consistent.
And it’s all worth it because your friend is important to you and you are important to them.
Well, that’s the kind of connection I want you to experience with your money.
I don’t want getting the results you want from your money to feel unnecessarily hard.
I don’t want you procrastinating — putting on the back-burner financial tasks, decisions and choices because you don’t have enough time; because the effort feels too much; because you’re waiting for the ideal circumstances; or because you don’t know where to start. All of this limits your financial success.
And I don’t want you unwittingly limiting your financial success.
So, I’ve created…
Money: Focus & Flow
It’s a light-weight, economical, high-impact coaching program designed to help you pay attention to what matters most when it comes to your money: what you do and how you think. These are the activities you can control. These are the activities that lead to the financial success you desire (however you define success).
When you’re focused, you are present, concentrating on both the moment at hand, as well as the task at hand. You’re not distracted. Doesn’t matter if you’re only in this state for 5-minutes or 50-minutes. When you’re focused, you are in the flow.
Turns out, focus and flow are critical keys to success. And, being focused and staying in the flow are habits you need to practice.

I’m Jacquette M. Timmons, a financial behaviorist. And I’m slightly obsessed with getting you to embrace the idea that financial success isn’t just about the dollars and cents. But instead a by-product of focus and flow.
I work with a broad spectrum of people in my private coaching practice helping them to blend the emotions of money with the math of money; let go of their money “baggage;” and start to move forward with financial goals more clear, feeling confident and in control so they can save more, remove debt, invest smarter and earn more.
I’m the founder of Sterling Investment Management, Inc. (a financial coaching and education company) and the author of “Financial Intimacy: How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Money and Mate.” My work has been featured on “Good Morning America,” CNN, HLN, FOX, Black Enterprise, NPR and the Wall Street Journal.
But enough about me. Let me tell you about how Money: Focus & Flow works.
Because I want you to join today.
With this program, I aim to give you what I give all my clients: structure, self-accountability, support and ideas.
Here’s how it works:
You:: When you join today, you’ll get an email from me every Friday around 11am ET. The email will ask five (5) questions.
The emails will always have [MFF] in the subject line, so you’ll be able to prioritize it.
Me:: I will read your responses. (Yes, I will read your responses each. and. every. week!)
I’ll review the responses from all the participants in the program looking for common questions, concerns, challenges and threads. Each month, this information will be used to create a mini road-map for everyone’s benefit. The road-map might be focused on strategic, tactical or mindset solutions, or a combination.
Each quarter, I’ll prepare a case study to show-case the growth or “wins” of one of the program’s participants. Names and any personally identifiable information will be altered to honor and protect privacy.
Here are the five questions:
1. What’s the amount of money you spent this week? How much of that was spent toward your goals?
2. This week, did anything (good or bad) happen to cause you to unexpectedly spend money or make a financial choice?
3. When, this week, did your financial focus and flow lead to a breakthrough…or “win?”
4. Are you ahead, behind, or on track to meet your monthly savings, investing, spending and earnings targets?
5. Anything else on your mind you want to share?
These five questions alone and together…
Keep you focused.
Keep you in the flow.
Help you quickly identify any holes in your system.
Give you immediate feedback on your effort.
Encourage you to celebrate your wins along the way.
If you’re like most of my clients, you use money everyday. And you think about it ALL the time – you wonder if you’re doing it right; you wonder if you’ve crossed and dotted all your “t’s” and “i’s.”
Yet, unless it’s an immediate transaction or choice, making the time to be strategic about your approach to money often takes a back-seat to almost everything else going on in your life. So, you don’t really know what you have; what you tend to do with what you have; or why. Let alone if your money is working as hard for you as you are for it.
Taking 10-15 minutes each week to hit “reply” and answer these questions changes this pattern. Significantly!
That’s how the program works
- Weekly, you get an email. You reply. I read your answers.
- Monthly, you get a hot-off-the-press mini road-map.
- Quarterly, you’ll get a case study spotlighting the “wins” of one or more participants,
With Money: Focus & Flow, approaching money strategically won’t be an after-thought. It’ll be baked into your weekly routine. Just what you need to make better, smarter moves with your money today, tomorrow and the day after that…
Will you continue managing your money by reacting to it, doing what you’re currently doing, getting the same financial results and having the same financial experiences, but wishing for things to be different? Or…
Will you choose to join us today and get started with creating tomorrow’s success with today’s actions? Will you choose to amplify your focus and flow!
We’re inviting 40 people to join us right now.
The price is $67 per month.
Find your Focus & Flow
Questions you may have
Will Jacquette really read every email response?
Can I have an in-depth conversation with her to get personalized coaching by phone or email?
Only if you’re a current coaching client. If you’d like to know more about becoming a private client, please schedule an assessment call:
What if I want to cancel?
You can cancel at any time by sending an email to ‘concierge at’ and your subscription will be cancelled.
Can I get a refund?
There are no refunds, no exceptions.