Each year, I begin my holiday message with the question that serves as the title of this blog. At first, it might seem like an unusual way to usher in the season. But for me, it feels perfectly fitting—and perhaps even more so during this reflective time of year.
It aligns beautifully with a favorite quote I return to every year:
“The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.” — Rainer Maria Rilke
I love this quote.
Every year, it reveals something new to me—its meaning shifting as life, business, and money continue to shape the choices we make. How could it not? After all, so much changes over the course of a year, doesn’t it?
This feels perfectly aligned with the question:
With what will you fill in the blanks?
The inspiration for this question comes from a quote by the legendary college basketball coach, Pat Summitt. If you’re a Lady Vols fan like my mother was, you’ve probably heard it:
“In the absence of feedback, people will fill in the blanks with a negative.”
It’s one of those statements that asks you to pause and reflect—simple in theory, but often the very thing we avoid.
- Especially during the holiday season.
- Especially if this time of year feels heavy or challenging.
So, how are you experiencing this holiday season?
- Are you skipping through it with a light heart and full of joy?
- Wishing 2024 would finally. end. already?
- Or maybe you’re somewhere in between?
As for me, this year—despite its ups and downs—is ending on a high note.
Wherever you find yourself, here’s my holiday wish for you:
- Be open to unexpected blessings—they may come through people and moments you hadn’t imagined.
- Prioritize your well-being in every area of your life, business, and money in 2025 (it’s not selfish—it’s necessary).
- Express love freely—in both small and grand ways.
- Commit boldly to your goals—even if they scare you or the outcome feels uncertain.
And most of all, may you intentionally fill the empty spaces in your life and business—however and wherever they show up—with purpose and positivity.
The holiday season is a time for celebration, yes. But it’s also a time for reflection, affirmation, and gratitude. It’s an opportunity for growth and expansion.
Just as 2024 transformed you, inviting (or perhaps challenging) you to evolve, may 2025 do the same—and more.
I wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with joy and beauty, and a New Year that brings:
- Enough challenges to help you grow;
- Blessings beyond measure (and then some);
- Unexpected surprises that make your heart and soul smile; and
- More abundance and ease than you could have imagined.
Ultimately, here’s to filling in the blanks of your life with all that is good and uplifting.
Season’s Greetings, Happy New Year, and please stay safe.