2020 Reader Survey


I know money can be a source of anxiety in the best of times, let alone in challenging times like now. I know based on conversations with clients and people on social media, and replies to my weekly-ish emails. I know based on my own life and business.

But, I’m ever-curious and want to know more. That’s why I put together this brief survey – to become (re)acquainted with you and the role of money in your life and business. Plus, it’s been years since we’ve done a survey -:).

There are a total of seven questions, so completing the survey should only take a few minutes of your time. And, I thank you for that. Because your answers will give me a chance to learn a little bit more about you and your situation, right now! Who knows…it may lead to new services to help me best support you.

  • Many thanks!

    Many thanks for answering the survey questions. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Doing so may give me new ideas on how I might best support you.

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