Want to Join the Alpha Launch? 🎉

Want to Join the Alpha Launch? 🎉

I grew up with one primary approach to goal setting: SMART Goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. You know, the kind where you’d write down something like: “Save $10,000 in 12 months.” Makes sense. To a degree.  Then, once I...
The Time to Soar is Now…Let’s Go!

The Time to Soar is Now…Let’s Go!

“Weird!”  This is the word that aptly describes how many of us experienced 2024.  A year that brought some degree of upheaval, disappointments, and heartbreaking moments that interrupted our usual rhythm. Moments that were also the reason for the personal...
With what will you fill in the blanks?

With what will you fill in the blanks?

Each year, I begin my holiday message with the question that serves as the title of this blog. At first, it might seem like an unusual way to usher in the season. But for me, it feels perfectly fitting—and perhaps even more so during this reflective time of year. It...

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