Here in the U.S., we are celebrating the Memorial Day weekend.
It is when many of us will gather with family and friends for cookouts and such.
And some of us may even take advantage of the holiday sales retailers offer during this time of the year.
Between our collective shopping and leisure activities, the original intent of the day (and now weekend) can often get lost.
But, the true purpose of Memorial Day is to honor and remember the brave military men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Because their courage and dedication is what allows you and me to enjoy the freedoms and opportunities we have today.
Given the state of affairs here in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world, I am evermore mindful of just how precious and fragile the concept of freedom is.
Recognizing the fragility of freedom, though, is the first step in putting forth the effort required to protect, preserve, and nurture it.
I believe this is true whether we are talking about “freedom to” or “freedom from.”
“Freedom to” refers to the ability to act on one’s own volition and pursue personal goals and desires. This is often described as positive freedom, emphasizing the presence of opportunities and capabilities.
“Freedom from” refers to the absence of external constraints, coercion, or interference. This is often described as negative freedom, emphasizing protection from undue influence and oppression.
And from where I sit, there is something I cannot unsee:
The relationship between money and freedom.
Both the freedom to and the freedom not to.
It’s a multifaceted intersection that profoundly affects your financial well-being.
Are You Financial Free?
The penultimate goal of my work, whether I’m coaching, speaking, writing, or podcasting, is for you to be “Successful, Profitable, and…Not Broke.”
By “successful,” I mean that you have what you want – on your own terms.
By “profitable,” I mean that you have enough – however you define that in terms of money, time, and space.
By “not broke,” I mean not broke – financially, creatively, and energetically.
This trifecta is what gives you (more) financial autonomy and freedom.
So, however you are spending the day (or weekend), I hope you’ll take a moment to ponder what you’re doing to protect, preserve, and nurture your financial freedom.
I also hope you’ll join me in taking a moment to remember those who sacrificed for our freedom. Let their sacrifice inspire us to live fully and purposefully.
And, let us not take for granted the fact that we have the agency to do so!
Wishing you a thoughtful and restful Memorial Day weekend.